Santa sighted a deep breath as worry and uncertainty gave way, leaving a feeling of relieve and accomplishment. The year was one of the worst he’d seen so far. A large part of his helpers was moving from the North Pole to Antarctica to satisfy their ambient temperature preferences. There would be many telecommuting Elves this year, and each helper enjoyed additional autonomy. Tying everything together was a challenge. But he had succeeded: the wishes processing program was finished, and the elves would be helping Santa from the comfort of their new homes.
The part of the wishes system that Santa had been working on was focused on classic toys: wooden bricks, dolls, and train sets.
data Toy = Bricks | TrainSet | Doll deriving Show
The system also kept track of basic data about the children:
data Behavior = Nice | Naughty deriving (Eq, Show)
data Child = Child
{ childName :: Text
, childBehavior :: Behavior
} deriving (Show)
Children and toys were tied together in a wish.
data Wish = Wish
{ wishingChild :: Child
, wishedToy :: Toy
} deriving (Show)
It was most elegant. The problem for Santa was that the Elves, being independent and autonomous workers, needed to access and process the data in very custom ways. Unfortunately for him, very few Elves had a Haskell build environment installed, so he had to distribute the binary. Writing a completely custom processing language seemed like an enormous rabbit hole.
Fortunately, Santa had a better idea: Lua, an embeddable scripting language. He had been using it for some projects1 and also made use of it in pandoc, which he used to answering his mails. Santa would just need to expose the relevant parts of the Haskell system, so the Elves could access and script it as their hearts desired. He looked for a library, found HsLua, and got to work.
Exposing data
Lua has a simple, yet powerful, stack-based API. The first step towards exposing Haskell data was to push them to the Lua stack. Keeping things simple, Santa chose strings to represent toys:
pushToy :: Toy -> Lua ()
pushToy = pushString . show
Lua offers only a single construct to structure data: tables. So that’s what Child and Wish were represented with.
pushChild :: Child -> Lua ()
pushChild (Child name behavior) = do
-- create new Lua table on the stack
-- push boolean to stack
pushText name
-- table now in position 2; assign string to field in table
setfield (nthFromTop 2) "name"
-- push boolean to stack
pushBool (behavior == Nice)
setfield (nthFromTop 2) "nice"
pushWish :: Wish -> Lua ()
pushWish (Wish child toy) = do
pushChild child
setfield (nthFromTop 2) "child"
pushToy toy
setfield (nthFromTop 2) "toy"
Running scripts
Santa’s goal for now was to allow his Elves to filter the list of wishes so each finds the ones relevant to them. For example, if an Elf only cares about wishes for train sets from children who were nice, then they should be able to use a script to filter those wishes out.
return function (wish)
return wish.child.nice and
wish.toy == 'TrainSet'
The script returns a (lambda) function that serves as a predicate
for wishes. The function can be thought of having the type Wish -> IO Bool
. Santa needed to turn the Lua lambda function into an
actual Haskell function runPredicate :: Wish -> Lua Bool
. If
Santa assumes that the lambda function is at the top of the Lua
stack, then he can push a Wish
value to the Lua stack, call the
function, and retrieve the result value from the stack.
runPredicate :: Wish -> Lua Bool
runPredicate wish = do
-- Assume filter function is at the top of the stack;
-- create a copy so we can re-use it.
pushvalue stackTop
pushWish wish
-- Call the function. There is one argument on the stack,
-- and we expect one result to be returned.
call (NumArgs 1) (NumResults 1)
toboolean stackTop <* pop 1
What remained was loading the Elves’ script files. Santa did this
with dofile
of type FilePath -> Lua Status
. The predicate then
ends up on the top of the Lua stack, and can be called through
, e.g. to select a subset of wishes via
main :: IO ()
main = do
filterFile <- fmap (!! 0) getArgs -- get first argument
result <- run $ do
_status <- dofile filterFile
filterM runPredicate wishes
print result
Santa tested his creation on a short list of wishes
wishes :: [Wish]
wishes =
[ Wish (Child "Theodor" Nice) Bricks
, Wish (Child "Philine" Nice) TrainSet
, Wish (Child "Steve" Naughty) Doll
by running runhaskell wish-selector filter.lua
. To his
uttermost satisfaction, the terminal echoed the right information
back to him.
[Wish {wishingChild = Child {childName = "Philine", childBehavior = Nice}, wishedToy = TrainSet}]
He reclined in his chair, shut down his device, and enjoyed a double chocolate chip cookies of which he felt very deserving now.